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Welcome66.com Reviews & Complaints

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Welcome66.com Complaints & Reviews

I got to know them through facebook advert. I was told it was stay at home job and get payed. The job was for me to complete some tasks for them by placing order. I put in a little money at first 3k, then i was asked to put more money so i could withdraw my money.

I wasnt aware they are scammers. I keep putting money since i was only to complete 6tasks, after doing it they are still asking me to put more money and i dont have any money to put. Infact the money i used there, i had to borrow it, from different places just for me to make the withdrawal but all to no avail am in debt right now, i dont know what to do.

I even ask them that there should be other means to refund my money, all their response was to add money before i could withdraw my money

I even told them since i cant withdraw my money, they should be able to send me my orders i paid for, almost 135k. They are insisting that i should put money that nothing like such. Am fed up. I dont know what to do , please help me....
Ope1234 15th of Jan 2024
I was told it was i could work at home and get payed. The job was for me to complete some tasks for them by placing order. I put in a little money at first 3k, then i was asked to put money so i could withdraw my money i wasn't aware they were scammers. I keet putting money sonce i was to only complete 6 tasks after doing so they're asking me to put more money abd i don't have any money to put and the money i put was my school fees and house rent now i don't know what to do please help me.

The Complaint/ Review has been submitted by the user Ayush against the company i.e. Welcome66.com (https://www.welcome66.com/index/ctrl/recharge.html) from Abuja, Nigeria regarding a Fraud/ Scam. ...
Ayush 8th of Jan 2024
17th November 2023 I came across this site on Facebook that directed me to WhatsApp with I was introduced to this platform on visual shopping to help merchant multiply their sales, I was asked to recharge 1k to enable me complete 6tasks before moving to next level which I did but they didn't stop there they keep giving me tasks that's higher than the amount in my account with them which I complained but Kamila being my future keeping pushing till I recharge upto 15k and still demanding for another 45871 to complete 5th tasks which am having just 26983 in my account with them and I was denied withdrawal till I complete the money and finish the task which is not fair, please help me get my money back. Since then they barely listen to my plea and keep telling me to go and borrow money to complete the task which is very unfair please me please, I don't know what else bto do now am scared of anything online business due to this experience I that I have gotten into, please is is a guarantee that after this complain I would get my money back please, help me please. Thanks ...
Irene_welcum66Scam 5th of Jan 2024
I was told to complete six task and which I did and they are still demanding for another N300k from me to complete another task of which I told Kamila(my supervisor in telegram)that I can't be able to continue that I need a refund of the money that I have sent to different account that they use to paste temperorary.but she refuse and still demanding for another N100k to pay so that they will delay the time .I told her that I have N5k so that she will help me and she agreed to help me.

After the making the payment,the recharge was not successful and the Kamila that was suppose to help me make the recharge successful later went offline.when she came back online she make the recharge successful and she told me that I must complete the remaining recharge ai 30mins time but I still pleaded her to help me.

Still she said that I must complete it before I can withdraw all my funds and commission included.she also said that if I did not complete that task the my money and the commission will get frozen.i can't even call her I told her to modify her setting so that I can call her,still she is telling me to complete all task.now I'm in pain ,I can't pay money that I borrowed from the people I collected from....
IsaacBayode 13th of Dec 2023

They disguise as merchants and compel you to make deposits,thereafter make you invest more until you are out of funds.

They are a heavy fraud and should be flaged and blocked immediately before others fall victim

The Complaint/ Review has been submitted by the user DannyDd against the company i.e. https://www.welcome66.com/index/user/register/invite_code/RB7W98.html (https://www.welcome66.com/index/user/register/invite_code/RB7W98.html) from , Nigeria regarding a Fraud/ Scam.
DannyDd 6th of Dec 2023
I found this site on Facebook which there said is e-commerce affiliate of eBay, I recharge 1k at first that o have to complete 6 task successful I was given 3k later invest of 5k to 100k to complete a task.now there are not answering me I need my money to be refund.

The Complaint/ Review has been submitted by the user Aku against the company i.e. Jam jam sunlight Interprise (Welcome66.com) from Adamawa , Nigeria regarding a Fraud/ Scam. ...
Aku 5th of Dec 2023
I was told it was a stay at home job. I was asked to deposit 1k at first then after completing the tasks, i will be able to withdraw my money and the commission. The task was to submit orders 6 times before withdrawal. After doing do i was able to withdrawal 3k then i was told i have to put in another money and complete the next task, this time i was asked to put 3k, i did then after completing 1 order i was asked to add more money i did that also thinking i will be able to withdraw my money but they keep saying i should add more to be able to make a withdrawal but still nothing.

I used my school fees that was sent to me for this and also borrowed money from different places. Now i am in debt i don't have any money to pay back and i can't mak my withdrawal. I told them to psy me back my money and that they should keep the commission to themselves nut there are not even answering me.

I got to know them through Instagram Ads. Please how can i get my money back i really need to pay my school fees we are close to writing exams. The money i have sent to them is total of 108,830k please do tell me how i can retrieve my moneys back. ...
Ayush 17th of Nov 2023
This website is been used to scam people
I am a victim from Nigerian
I lost 24 thousand naira to them
I would be happy if a precaution is been taken upon the anonymous user's or operator
Its so sad people taking advantage of people's ignorance to scam them
I believe something would be done to resolve this matter.

The Complaint/ Review has been submitted by the user Chidera1 against the company i.e. E commerce (https://www.welcome66.com/index/my/index.html) from IMO state, Nigeria regarding a Fraud/ Scam. ...
Chidera1 10th of Nov 2023

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