Facebook ID: Someone Using My Photos in Facebook Account

Shivani_uniyal 28th of Jun 2023
Hello i am shivani uniyal from Rishikesh Uttarakhand but recently i live in mozambique beira with my husband. I have a complain request to file here. Someone named Aarti Sharma in Facebook she is using my many photos in her Facebook account and posting so many vulgar videos. She is spoiling my image in social media of using my photos. She is sending request to my relatives friends neighbors. And everyone asked me that i made a Facebook account with other name .

And she also sending messages to my friends and asking them for money and doing vulgar talks. I send her Facebook request from my account and message so many times but she didn’t reply me. I also report from Facebook and told my many friends to report and block this account many people did report and block of her account but Facebook team didn’t take any action.

This is not my Facebook account name Aarti Sharma . If there is any miss happening from this account then my name should not appear in it. I am in very troubled and stressed. Please I request you to take action and delete this account from Facebook as soon as possible.
Thank you.

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