Learol E-Commerce Ltd: Learol E-Commerce Scam

hardtkd 2nd of Feb 2024
nuevo laredo, tamaulipas, Mexico
Hello, a person contacted me on WhatsApp and told me to do some tasks and earn a commission for doing them, then he directed me to a telegram group where I had to communicate with two people, they told me the tasks to do and then asked me for money to deposit so that the funds and the commission were deposited to me but each time they asked for more and more money at the time I deposited 1200 then 5000 and then 9000 in the end they told me that I made a mistake in a task and that to return my money I have to make a deposit of 18000 can you tell me if you can help me please? I have the conversations and details of the transactions.

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Company : Learol E-Commerce Ltd

Category : Online Shopping