LexaTrade: LexaTrade Fraud. Refusal to refund the money

Wkinyua 27th of Jun 2023
Nairobi, Nairobi , Kenya
I engaged in trading with the above company 7th November 2022. I realized as a new comer I was not doing well. I decided to engage my accounts manager to trade for me. She went ahead and opened for me another account without my knowledge and the company somehow discovered that and fired her. The company never informed me that they had fired her so I went on trying to reach out to to her to no avail for a period of three months. I then told wrote complaining about the issue. They responded that they had fired her and allocated me another accounts manager. My new manager informed me that my accounts were in a mess and therefore needed to make some deposit for my account to be able to trade which I obliged but as time went on I realized that I was not getting any better. I have never withdrawn from the company and I decided to quit. I presented my withdrawal request USD 2431 from the company on Thursday 23rd June 2023 and I haven't received any feedback yet despite the fact that they indicated that the process will take 24 hours. My account manager too has become very arrogant and unwilling to share any details on how to follow up.

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updated by Wkinyua, Jul,05 2023

Dear Sir Madam, I submitted the above complaint who's status as I can see is still pending or rather in the process As of today 5th July what has surprised me is that despite my accounts manager telling me that he stopped transaction with me and wrote to Lexa trade to finalize with me, my account is still active and someone trading on my platform. Kindly move swiftly to salvage my situation. The account shows my balance as at USD 2505.80 and with an open trade running. Efforts to reach out to my accounts manager have become futile.

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Company : LexaTrade
P.o Box 65670- 00607
Category : Business & Finances