Scammer at Santa Gold Shop

Barasubas 23rd of Dec 2023
This company is bullshit after investing money and complete all task and they advice to u to withdraw all your money.. After withdrawal the transaction was rejected and then if you complaint the contact person will forward you to finance dept and after all they advised you to pay taxes worth 22k.. After you pay u can withdraw your money...

The Complaint/ Review has been submitted by the user Barasubas against the company i.e. Santa Gold shop ( from , Philippines regarding a Fraud/ Scam.

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Zeno 1st of Feb 2024

The name of Santa gold shop before is Dropshopping centre and they change their name inti Santa Gold shop, be aware of these website and it was a scam.

Edimar 5th of Jan 2024

Completely scam now I am not able to get back my money

Ron_pusa 4th of Jan 2024

Please report SANTAGOLD SHOP.

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