RichLife Adverts



RichLife Adverts

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RichLife Adverts Reviews & Complaints

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RichLife Adverts Complaints & Reviews

I was introduced to this company and requested to withdraw after buying Boss package but up to now have never got any money
Am really embarrassed by the way it's taking long to really get back my money.

The Complaint/ Review has been submitted by the user onescathy against the company i.e. RichLife Adverts ( from Central, Uganda regarding a Fraud/ Scam. ...
onescathy 8th of Jan 2024
I met a lady through my contact,she introduced me to the platform that is Richlife Agencies,i was convinced to join,she sent a link to me and told me to buy a package that is Basic [PROTECTED]@shs.1000,i bought and she had previously told me that their is cashback instantly to mpesa but didn't recieved , I started the work that is sending products to my watsup status and submitted daily before 8p.m, I did it from monday to sundaysand now my watsup account balance reads shs.80,000, since i tried to redeem the cashback bonus and asked me to deposit sh.900 i did so, when i tried to redeem, it was approved but didn't came to mpesa so i wonder what is this Platform for..?

So i need the platform to return back my money since it has shown ways of scumming ,so when i informed the lady about the incidence she told me that if the cashback bonus has not come then this means thet i've missed the code that i was supposed to be using when withdrawing my balances,i asked her how i could do she then told me just to buy other package that is premium package @shs2500 in that she will top up for me if i only have shs. 2000. So i felt like discouraged and stopped talking and texting her....
Stephenathur254 27th of Dec 2023
I was directed to this company richlife adverts last week I purchase a package of 2500 I had to receive 5000 cash back instantly but what they did I was asked to pay 1000 more of which I did receved any amount of money upto date I advertised their product for several days each day after submission of every task I always receive confirmation mail I realized there was some ignorance I tried conducting customer care service when it was too late I continued pumping my money into this platform hoping to benefited from it but when I requested to withdraw my money I was told am supposed to buy a premium code of 5500 that's when I realized my money was defrauded when I followed up to the companies director he say that the company generates codes automatically after packages delivery. All these people keep insisting that I pay much more money to get my money,thy even become harass to me suggesting I was not serious when have already paid them 6700 plus the earned money total 90000+.

These people even block my account after requesting them to release back my money that's the reason have decided to file complain....
Muyaudi 18th of Dec 2023
I deposited to richlife adverts and bought a basic plan worth Ksh 1000. A few minutes later I deposited Ksh 400 to get Cashback but I didn't get. Later that evening when time to submit views reached I did so and it was approved. However I decided to withdraw the money but I was told to buy premium codes. I was forced to use Ksh 10000 that my friend lended me.

I cried the whole of that night because the Ksh 10000 was gone and still I was not allowed to withdraw from the dashboard. Kindly help me recover the Ksh 10000 only I won't need the money I used to register and that for Cashback.The lady who had referred me to the business kept cheating me because after I lost Ksh 10000 she advised me to deposit extra Ksh 6500 something that I declined because I wanted to avoid more losses and torture as a student. By then I had become financially bankrupt and I could not fetch more money from any source.

My friend who had lend me some cash needed the money to clear his school fees. The semester was at climax and to avoid quarrels with him I decided to issue him a cheque that I had received.Now problems landed on my side because I missed exams having not cleared my school fees because of doing business with Richlife adverts. I call upon this issue and act. I have provided evidence of a screenshot below this note....
Lokorkou 1st of Dec 2023

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