I saw this add online for parttime job, the lady by the name Anna welcomed me, i was keen to know how it work . They gave me a gift of R50.00, then i pay R100 to buy items and i got R180 back with commission, i did put in R1750 i was supposed to get my commission, then they gave me a higher price item of R4676 i said to the lady by the name Luna whis is my teacher, i had R3000 in the kitty and she used it and my outstanding was now R9465 for the last item, she insisted i must pay that money in order to go further, and the merchant cant reverse the item. Ieven asked her to do an exception but she refused, she said she will let the platform borrow me R2000, and i must get the R7465 frim someone and withdrawal my funds immediately. I refused until now.
I was told by my daughter that this is a scam.and the insist you to make pay and clear now,and i got two different account numbers to pay to and she told me that i must not do a privat payment i must let her know.
How do i get help in this situation please. You can never deposit money in so many different bank accounts. That look a bit dodgy. ...