OSMA.VIP: I want to my money to be refund

Favourly 28th of Aug 2023
I want my money to refund please asap,they ask me to recharge again inorder to complete my task,and I don't have enough money to complete the task ,I have to borrow the 2k to register,I saw the person the number of the online stuff in d internet,please I need my money ,customer care couldn't reply me back ,I don't have much money to complete the order, I decided to download telegram to message the customer care but they didn't reply me on time.

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damikush 28th of Jan 2024

They scammed me also I was scammed of 400+ they ask me to pay 600k to clear it off so I can get 2.2m, I was moved to a telegram channel where I do charge with the task manager please osma refund me my money

Ogaliemmanuel 28th of Oct 2023

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Thessy 19th of Sep 2023

I was made to borrow money to complete a VIP 3 level 9 task......now I'm asked to get another 82,000 naira to finish up the task I am only a student I don't have that money and the origination is refusing to refund Or cancel task.....please I I need to pay back the one I borrowed at least

Joel 13th of Sep 2023

And please my money, I need it back

Joel 13th of Sep 2023


Joel 13th of Sep 2023

Please I want my money back

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Company : OSMA.VIP

Category : Business & Finances