[Resolved] OSMA.VIP: Refund My Money

Joel 13th of Sep 2023
Kaduna, Kaduna, Nigeria
I was scam by this organization.
I was asked to complete orders.
I have to go and borrow cash to complete the order. But now, I can't get access to the site anymore
Please help us to get our money back.
My money ooo

The people I borrowed from are disturbing me now ,I have no way to get there money back.
Try as much as possible to save us and others, please I need my money back,
Thank you.

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Complaint marked as Resolved
Sep,16 2023

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Omolara1 23rd of Sep 2023

Osma.vip scam me I want my money back I use my project money for to recharge, I even asked a friend of mine to borrow me money but she was afraid that I might not get the money back she didn't borrow me I starve myself money that am supposed to use to get food stuff for I use it to recharge thinking that once I get the money I can buy food stuff, my mum gave me money for the project I use it to recharge I had to sacrifice myself and i can't sleep at night busy writing my mini project with my phone think I will get power bank once I get the money I nearly borrowed money from online app but God save me I can't tell my mom they even ask me to recharge 35+ I tried to borrow money from palmpay, palm credit

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