GCash: Request Refund of Gcash Holder Meler Jane Ombaogan

rxbaluca 12th of Jan 2024
May you please help me to request a refund with Gcash holder Meler Jane Ombaogan. Because of inconsistent and delayed information of Ms. Ombaogan.. I was being stock of transaction they did not explain to me at the beginning... That's the reason Senator I hope you may help me request a refund to Gcash ... Because I don't want to finish the transaction and impossible for me to finish it.. I hope you may help me.

I been tried at first to group of Ms. Ombaogan to settle the dispute in amicable manner since November last year.

But they just ignore me.. I hope senator you may help me request a refund..

Even I want to proceed on the transaction to finish the $963,480..
I don't have any money... I am been unemployed for 4 years due to recuperation
of hemorrhage on brain remember? That's the reason I still have money to give
since I got financial assistance to my social security system...

History of payment

September 21, [Protected]
November 8, [Protected]
December 2, [Protected]
Request refund Ph 26,800

Respondent; G cash; Meler Jane Ombaogan 0[Protected]
84000 Residential tax clearance

Account Name: Rommel Diaz Baluca
Account Number: [Protected]
Bank Name: BPI Family Savings
Bank Branch Address : 449 J Figueras St, Sampaloc, 1008 Metro Manila
Swift Code: BOPIPHMM
Request refund Ph 26,800

I appreciate all your assistance .. But your not consistent.... After you said I need to pay the transfer fee
I can now get the fund I requested..

However after I paid then you said I need to pay the ANTI MONEY LAUNDERING CLEARANCE ...

Since the fee of 68,326.5 PHP is huge for me you allow me to pay only 25% ask me request that's the reason you said I need to pay the P17,250php to receive the
$ 120,435 and you agreed...

When I follow up the transfer fund you said I need to be patient to follow the due process for this transaction..

But you also neglect to apply those due process to your customer.. If you already said at the very start the three necessary fee I need to be pay before I will able to get the fund.. I will not hesitant not to continue to transaction since I very knew my monetary fund capacity.

I already paid the transfer fee and partial fee of ANTI MONEY LAUNDERING CLEARANCE .
Then you just lately said I also need to pay the Residential tax clearance of Ph84000 . That is bad service practice.

Just to make easy to us,,, Please refund Ph 26,800.. Despite all stress and anxiety since I currently
suffer a mental illness of bipolar. I appreciate and alleviate all my suffer in the past if you may expedite to refund the Ph26,800 I paid that I will use for my recuperation.

I hope you may consider my request.

Rommel Baluca

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updated by rxbaluca, Jan,12 2024

You may reach Gcash at [PROTECTED]@gcash.com History of payment September 21, [Protected]November 8, [Protected]December 2, [Protected]Respondent; G cash; Meler Jane Ombaogan 0[Protected]Account Name complainanant: Rommel Diaz Baluca Account Number: [Protected]Bank Name: BPI Family Savings Bank Branch Address : 449 J Figueras St, Sampaloc, 1008 Metro Manila Swift Code: BOPIPHMM Request refund Ph 26,[Protected]

updated by rxbaluca, Jan,12 2024

You may reach out Gcash at [PROTECTED]@gcash.com

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