OSMA.VIP: Not being able to withdraw

Olamy1 15th of Aug 2023
I was able to get through vip1. When I got to vip2 was told to recharge 5k which I did I was at the second task when I was asked to yop up with 4700 again which I did and till now no response from the WhatsApp number or telegram too. Both just keep reading and no response from them...pls I need my money back this level of scam is too much.

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ShalomGodwin1 19th of Aug 2023

Please help me out on this too i am a victim of this people my money is still there 102k and now they are asking for 204k to get 614k the problem is that u can't ask for a refund bcus they won't give u all bcus u ha e not completed the task giving

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Company : OSMA.VIP

Category : Online Shopping